MusicBrainz Summit / 23

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Summit 23 happened between October 2 and 6 2023, at MetaBrainz HQ in Barcelona, Spain.

Livestream YouTube links:

Forum thread | Blog post | Written notes

Schedule of Events

Every morning we'll gather in the office and have breakfast. Come when you are ready to come. Lunch is in the office at 13:00.

Livestreamed meetings are each day 14:00 - 19:30 local time (12:00 - 17:30 GMT)

We will tackle big topics, after which smaller ad-hoc topics can be suggested by anyone.

  • Morning - 13:00: Be in the office, catch up with people, whatever
  • Lunch, 13:00 - 14:00: Lunch in the office, brought in from local places
  • Big topics: 14:00 - 17:00 (see agenda)
  • Ad-hoc topics: 17:00 - 19:30
  • Dinner, at various restaurants or at the office, TBD. We'll have at least two nice group dinners with everyone present


As usual, each project should be prepared to give an update on the state of the project.

Big topics to discuss and who needs to be present:

  • Internationalization - for devs - and translation - for users (aerozol, outsidecontext, rdswift, yvanzo, monkey, ...)
  • MB form submission flow (bitmap, outsidecontext, reosarevok, yvanzo)
  • MB edit search load (bitmap, reosarevok, yvanzo)
  • MB search upgrades (bitmap, lucifer, reosarevok, yvanzo, zas)
  • Proactively dealing with spam accounts + empty account deletions (reosarevok, yvanzo, bitmap, mayhem, ...)
  • Workflow for security alerts (all code maintainers)
  • Workflow for service alerts (all service maintainers)
  • Code signing of MetaBrainz apps: experience in Picard, applicable to other distributed MB software? (outsidecontext, zas, lucifer, rob, ???)
  • State of the music industry (mayhem, akshaaatt)
  • OAuth migration update and future planning (lucifer, mayhem, monkey)
  • Presenting 2017 early survey findings (aerozol)
  • Next years' summit, limiting the scope a bit. (mayhem)
  • Giving back to the open source community with donations
  • Move documentation from MB to readthedocs and get rid of duplicate docs

Other topics:

  • Why do we not bring napkins to the summits?
  • Use projector to see remote participants, put IRC on a screen
  • Does it make sense to store dancers in MusicBrainz? (reo)

Hack sessions

Because we'll have most of the team in the same place it might make sense to have a few in-person informal hack sessions to get some projects off the ground. Ideas:

  • Key signing party throughout the week
  • Picard packaging design (outsidecontext & aerozol)
  • Running MusicBrainz Server on Windows (yvanzo & aerozol)
  • Running/writing Selenium tests for MusicBrainz Server/Docker (bitmap, reosarevok, yvanzo)
  • Picard 3 plugin system (outsidecontext & zas)
  • Instagram/social media (aerozol & akshaaatt)
  • Mobile app design (aerozol & akshaaatt)
  • Centralized logging system (atj, bitmap, yvanzo, rob, zas)
  • MB UI Revamp PRs fixing (akshaaatt, bitmap, yvanzo, reosarevok)
  • Reducing open MB PRs to a sensible number (bitmap, yvanzo, reosarevok, sometimes aerozol)
  • AutoTag Hacking (outsidecontext, mayhem)
  • Reverse proxy settings to MB mirror with HTTPS support (bitmap, reosarevok, yvanzo, zas)
  • Improve/debug Docker development setup (bitmap, reosarevok, yvanzo)
  • Weblatifying mobile app (akshaaatt, outsidecontext, yvanzo)
  • Community forums i18n with multilingual plugin (reosarevok, yvanzo, zas)
  • Design catch-up/planning (monkey & aerozol)
  • Community catch-up/planning (reosarevok & aerozol)
  • Oauth login flow for LB (lucifer, aerozol, the furry one)
  • Event Art Archive and BB Cover Art Archive (bitmap, kellnerd, monkey, reosarevok, yvanzo, aerozol)
  • Weblate tutorial video/workflow (yvanzo & aerozol)
  • ...

Headquarters & Lodgings

We'll be at OfficeBrainz.

We'll be at this AirBnb from the 29th (15:00) until the 7th (AirBnB 1). If your name is not listed in the lodgings breakdown below, then you're in this AirBnB.

We've also got two hotel rooms reserved for reo/kellnerd and zas/yvanzo. Contact mayhem for details on check-in.


  • Chocolates: send your wishes to kellnerd, who will definitely bring some of the good high-proof stuff... 70% cocoa, not what you were thinking :)
  • Aerozol will field requests for treats from NZ
  • There will be a robotic cocktail party at Mayhem's house on the evening of the 29th.


Summit attendees this year, (eventually) sorted by arrival time:

Arrival date Arrival transport Departure date Departure transport Lodging Food Preference T-Shirt Size
Aerozol 29 EY 49 - 8:15 8 Airplane Y Vegan M
akshaaatt 29 LH 1812 - 12:50 7 Airplane Y Anything good L
atj 30EZY 2325 - 15:557AirplaneYEverythingM
bitmap 29 AA 40 - 09:30 8 Airplane Y Vegetarian M
cc 26 Airplane 14:25h 30 Airplane 12:15h Y mostly anything M for manly
monkey N/A Metro N Everything nomnomnom M for Monkey
reosarevok 27 LH 1132 - 18:05 7 LH 1125 (10:30) Y E eats everything L / XL
mayhem N/A N Om nom nom! XL
yvanzo 28 Train / Sants @ 19:32 7 @ 08:22 Train / Sants Y Anything good L
zas 28 Train / Sants @ 19:32 10 Train Y Anything good M
outsidecontext 30 LH 1128 - 15:15 7 @ 12:50 Airplane Y Omnivore L
kellnerd 27 EW 2520 - 19:45 7 @ 13:40 Airplane Y Anything good M
Number of beds per day
27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
needed 3 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 1 1
AirBnB 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Sailboat (reo) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Hotel 1 2 (reo, kellnerd) 2 (reo, kellnerd)
Hotel 2 zas, yvanzo
Rob's aerozol aerozol aerozol aerozol aerozol aerozol aerozol aerozol aerozol
Monkey's cc cc cc cc (leave early) - - - - - - - - -

Virtual attendees

Lucifer :(



atj :(


  • Aerozol: Livestream
  • Yvanzo: Chocolatestreamtostomach

Emergency phone numbers

  1. 112 All emergencies