
A MusicBrainz release represents the unique release (i.e. issuing) of a product on a specific date with specific release information such as the country, label, barcode and packaging. If you walk into a store and purchase an album or single, they are each represented in MusicBrainz as one release.

Each release belongs to a release group and contains at least one medium (commonly referred to as a disc when talking about a CD release). Each medium has a tracklist.

A medium is the actual physical medium that stores the audio content. This means that each CD in a multi-disc release will be entered as separate mediums within the release, and that both sides of a vinyl record or cassette will exist on one medium. Mediums have a format (e.g. CD, DVD, vinyl, and cassette) and can optionally also have a title. Sometimes a medium can be a side of a disc. For example, the two sides of a hybrid SACD (the CD side and the SACD side) should be entered as two mediums.

Tracklists represent the set and ordering of tracks as listed on a liner, and the same tracklist can appear on more than one release. For example, a boxset compilation that contains previously released CDs would share the same tracklists as the separate releases.


Style guidelines

Please see the guidelines for releases.

Release properties


The title of the release.


The artist(s) that the release is primarily credited to, as credited on the release.


The date the release was issued.


The country the release was issued in.


The label which issued the release. There may be more than one.

Catalogue number

This is a number assigned to the release by the label which can often be found on the spine or near the barcode. There may be more than one, especially when multiple labels are involved. This is not the ASIN — there is a relationship for that — nor the label code.


The barcode, if the release has one. The most common types found on releases are 12-digit UPCs and 13-digit EANs.


The status describes how "official" a release is. Possible values are:

Any release officially sanctioned by the artist and/or their record company. Most releases will fit into this category.
A give-away release or a release intended to promote an upcoming official release (e.g. pre-release versions, releases included with a magazine, versions supplied to radio DJs for air-play).
An unofficial/underground release that was not sanctioned by the artist and/or the record company. This includes unofficial live recordings and pirated releases.
An alternate version of a release where the titles have been changed. These don't correspond to any real release and should be linked to the original release using the transl(iter)ation relationship.
A previously official release that was actively withdrawn from circulation by the artist and/or their record company after being released, whether to replace it with a new version with some changes or to just retire it altogether (e.g. because of legal issues).
A planned official release that was cancelled before being released, but for which enough info is known to still confidently list it (e.g. it was available for preorder).


The physical packaging that accompanies the release. See the list of packaging for more information.


The language a release's track list is written in. The possible values are taken from the ISO 639-3 standard.


The script used to write the release's track list. The possible values are taken from the ISO 15924 standard.


See the page about MBIDs for more information.

Disambiguation comment

See the page about comments for more information.


See the page about annotations for more information.

Data quality

Data quality indicates how good the data for a release is. It is not a mark of how good or bad the music itself is - for that, use ratings.

High quality
All available data has been added, if possible including cover art with liner info that proves it.
Default quality
This is the default setting - technically "unknown" if the quality has never been modified, "normal" if it has.
Low quality
The release needs serious fixes, or its existence is hard to prove (but it's not clearly fake).

Medium properties


The title of this particular medium.


The format of the medium.