
Areas are geographic regions or settlements. Areas are usually kept in sync with their Wikidata entries. To request that an area be added to Musicbrainz submit a bug request under the AREQ category. See the of current AREQ issues for more information.



The name of the area.


The type of area. Possible values are:

Country is used for areas included (or previously included) in ISO 3166-1, e.g. United States.
Subdivision is used for the main administrative divisions of a country, e.g. California, Ontario, Okinawa. These are considered when displaying the parent areas for a given area.
County is used for smaller administrative divisions of a country which are not the main administrative divisions but are also not municipalities, e.g. counties in the USA. These are not considered when displaying the parent areas for a given area.
Municipality is used for small administrative divisions which, for urban municipalities, often contain a single city and a few surrounding villages. Rural municipalities typically group several villages together.
City is used for settlements of any size, including towns and villages.
District is used for a division of a large city, e.g. Queens.
Island is used for islands and atolls which don't form subdivisions of their own, e.g. Skye. These are not considered when displaying the parent areas for a given area.

Begin and end dates

The dates indicate when a certain area was founded and/or ceased to exist. For example, the Soviet Union has a begin date of 1922 and an end date of 1991.

ISO 3166 codes

The ISO 3166 codes are the codes assigned by ISO to countries and subdivisions.


The aliases are used to store alternate names or misspellings.


See the page about MBIDs for more information.


See the page about annotations for more information.