washboard (American scraped idiophone)

~ Percussion instrument


Typical metal ribbed tool used for washing, still in it's wooden frame, often has is additional noisemakers attached, such as cowbell or woodblock. It is played with thimbles as plectrum.


from:United States of America
type of:scraped idiophone
derivations:frottoir (Zydeco vest scraper)
picture:https://staticbrainz.org/irombook/washboard/washboard.png [info]
Wikidata:Q21607265 [info]
other databases:https://saisaibatake.ame-zaiku.com/gakki/gakki_jiten_washboard.html [info]
https://saisaibatake.ame-zaiku.com/musical_instrument/musical-washboard.html [info]