
Crash My Moon YachtCerberus ShoalCD8
  • US2000-07-25
NEI 10666917001020
Garden Fly, Drip EyeCerberus ShoalCD2
NEI 22
The Whys and Hows of Herman Düne and Cerberus ShoalVarious ArtistsCD12
NEI 250666917002522
The Vim & Vigour of Alvarius B. and Cerberus ShoalAlvarius B. & Cerberus ShoalCD6
NEI 27
The Ducks and Drakes of Guapo and Cerberus ShoalGuapo & Cerberus ShoalCD3
NEI 28
Chaiming the KnoblessoneCerberus ShoalCD7
NEI 29[none]
Bastion of Itchy PreevesCerberus ShoalCD10
  • US2004-03-16
NEI 32
Cerberus ShoalCerberus ShoalCD6
  • US2004-11-22
NEI 35666917003529
The Life and Times of the Magic Carpathians and Cerberus ShoalCerberus ShoalCD4
NEI 31[none]
Some Sweet DayMicah Blue SmaldoneCD14
NEI 33666917003321
The Land We All Believe InCerberus ShoalCD6
  • US2005-10-04
NEI 38666917003826
Stay CloseDeath VesselCD10
  • US2005-10-04
Hither and ThitherMicah Blue SmaldoneCD12
NEI 39
ConnexionsAlex Lukashevsky(unknown)11
  • US2006-03-14
The Smother PartyAlec K. Redfearn and the EyesoresCD8
NEI 44[none]
Akidleadivydilly dillyCD5