KUFALA Recordings (authorized bootleg label)
~ Label
KUFALA Recordings was a live-exclusive record label and distributor that prioritized short turnaround, high-fidelity recordings, and the lowest possible environmental impact for their products.
They partnered with indies as well as high-profile acts like Weezer and Pearl Jam. Most shows were recorded by personnel and available on disc within two weeks of the performance. However, the label was known to acquire and distribute archival shows of high quality or historical significance; for example, their 5-disc Soul Coughing official bootleg set (despite the band's dissolution before KUFALA was even founded).
In early 2007 KUFALA created the world's first fully biodegradable, plastic-free CD packaging, complete with smokeable "plastic wrap" (made from a special 98% transparent rolling paper derivative).
Founder Brady Lee Lahr passed away from esophageal cancer in March 2012. With few releases, almost no new recordings, and no website/social media updates, KUFALA seems to have quietly ceased operation at an indefinite point within the next year or so. The label's internet domain was not renewed for 2013 and beyond.