Man in the Mirror (encore) (live, 1988-07-16: Wembley Stadium, London, England, UK)

~ Video by Michael Jackson

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
4.17Man in the Mirror (encore)?:??Michael JacksonBad (25th anniversary edition)Michael JacksonAlbum
  • US2012-09-18
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)88725400952
4.17Man in the Mirror?:??Michael JacksonBad 25 (deluxe edition)Michael JacksonAlbum
  • JP2012-09-19
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)EICP 1541–4


recording of:Man in the Mirror (on 1988-07-16: live)

Man in the Mirror

writer:Glen Ballard
Siedah Garrett
publisher:Arlovol Music
Universal Music Corporation (France)
Yellowbrick Road Music
ヤマハミュージックエンタテインメントホールディングス (holding company - do not use as release label)
ユニバーサル・ミュージック・パブリッシング Synch事業部
ワーナー・チャペル音楽出版 Synch事業部