Lully Lullay (Coventry Carol)

~ Recording by Straight No Chaser

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.13Lully Lullay (Coventry Carol)2:51Straight No ChaserI'll Have Another...Christmas AlbumStraight No ChaserAlbum
  • US2016-10-28
Atlantic (Warner Music imprint)555752
1.13Lully Lullay (Coventry Carol)2:51Straight No ChaserI'll Have Another...Christmas AlbumStraight No ChaserAlbum
Atlantic (Warner Music imprint)557306-2


recording engineer:Chip Reardin
producer:Walter Chase
Steve Lunt (British musician, songwriter, music executive also credited as Stephen Broughton)
mixer:David Darlington (engineer at Bass Hit Studio)
Steve Lunt (British musician, songwriter, music executive also credited as Stephen Broughton)
arranger:Walter Chase
recorded at:Airtime Studio in Bloomington, Indiana, United States
mixed at:Bass Hit Studios in New York, New York, United States
recording of:Coventry Carol

Coventry Carol

lyricist and composer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)
is the basis for:Dancing Day: 5. Coventry Carol
arrangements:Coventry Carol (Martin Shaw arrangement)
Coventry Carol (arranged by Rathbone)
Coventry Carol (Steve Pilkington arrangement)
Coventry Carol (David Willcocks arrangement)
Coventry Carol (Nox Arcana arrangement)
Coventry Carol (arr. Warland)
Coventry Carol (arr. Powell)
Coventry Carol (Deuter arragement)
Lully, Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child, op. 25 no. 2 (Kenneth Leighton arrangement of the Coventry Carol)
The Coventry Carol (arr. Michael McGlynn)