The Nightmusic

~ Recording by Cecilio & Kapono

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1The Nightmusic4:06Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)PC 34300
1.1The Nightmusic4:06Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
CBS/Sony (imprint used in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia 1968–1991; also used in Spain until 1997)25AP 582
1.1The Nightmusic4:06Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
CBS/Sony (imprint used in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia 1968–1991; also used in Spain until 1997)20AP 2327
1.1The Nightmusic4:08Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
  • US1988-08-02
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)CK 34300
1.1The Nightmusic4:08Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
  • JP1990-08-01
CBS/Sony (imprint used in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia 1968–1991; also used in Spain until 1997)CSCS-6025
1.12The Nightmusic4:08Cecilio and KaponoJourney Through the YearsCecilio and KaponoAlbum + Compilation
  • US1998-03-17
Hana Ola Records, Sony Music Special ProductsA 28923
1.1The Nightmusic4:06Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
  • JP2006-10-18
Sony Records International (Japanese TEXTLESS walking eye imprint)MHCP-1179
1.1The Nightmusic4:07Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)
1.1The Nightmusic4:06Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
  • US2008-02-05
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)CK 34300
1.1The Nightmusic4:08Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
  • JP2014-06-25
Sony Records International (Japanese TEXTLESS walking eye imprint)SICP-30653
1.1The Nightmusic4:08Cecilio & KaponoNight MusicCecilio & KaponoAlbum
  • JP2017-08-02
Sony Records International (Japanese TEXTLESS walking eye imprint)SICP-5459


assistant engineer:Don Henderson (engineer)
engineer:Bruce Botnick
producer:Bruce Botnick
Cecilio & Kapono
Terry Powell
12 string guitar:Cecilio
acoustic guitar and electric guitar:Cecilio
drums (drum set):Artie Alinikoff
electric bass guitar:Randy Lorenzo
piano [acoustic piano]:Alan Pasqua
Randy Lorenzo
conductor:Nick DeCaro
strings arranger:Nick DeCaro
arranger:Cecilio & Kapono
phonographic copyright (℗) by:CBS, Inc. (US broadcasting company; file no releases here!) (in 1977)
recorded at:Capitol Recording Studios (Hollywood, CA) in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States
mixed at:Hollywood Sound in Los Angeles, California, United States
SecondHandSongs: [info]
recording of:The Nightmusic (cover)

The Nightmusic

lyricist and composer:Dave Ellingson
publisher:Anne-Rachel Music Corp.
Appian Music Co.
ヤマハミュージックエンタテインメントホールディングス (holding company - do not use as release label)
ワーナー・チャペル音楽出版 Synch事業部
Brown Shoes Music (from 1976 to ????)
Chappell & Co., Inc. (USA) (from 1976 to present)