This Can't Be Love

~ Recording by Judy Carmichael

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.6This Can't Be Love2:47Judy CarmichaelI Love Being Here With YouJudy CarmichaelAlbum


engineer:Jim Czak
Bill Moss (US engineer)
producer:Judy Carmichael (Jazz/Stride piano player)
bass:Jay Leonhart (from 2013-03-26 until 2013-04-04)
piano:Mike Renzi (from 2013-03-26 until 2013-04-04)
tenor saxophone:Harry Allen (saxophone) (from 2013-03-26 until 2013-04-04)
vocals:Judy Carmichael (Jazz/Stride piano player) (from 2013-03-26 until 2013-04-04)
recorded at:Nola Studios in New York, New York, United States (from 2013-03-26 until 2013-04-04)
mixed at:Nola Studios in New York, New York, United States
recording of:This Can’t Be Love (from 2013-03-26 until 2013-04-04: cover)

This Can’t Be Love

lyricist:Lorenz Hart (in 1938)
composer:Richard Rodgers (composer) (in 1938)