Uncle Sigmund's Clockwork Storybook

~ Recording by Robert Forster

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.2Uncle Sigmund's Clockwork Storybook2:07Robert ForsterSongs for the Young at HeartVarious ArtistsAlbum
  • XE2007-02-26
  • GB2007-02-26
Lucky Dog (UK indie pop), V2 (imprint of V2 Music Ltd. and its international subsidiaries)VVR1042142
1.2Uncle Sigmund's Clockwork Storybook2:07Robert ForsterSongs for the Young at HeartVarious ArtistsAlbum
  • GB2007-02-26
V2 (imprint of V2 Music Ltd. and its international subsidiaries)