Honey Don’t

~ Recording by Eugene Chadbourne

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.9Honey Don’t?:??Eugene ChadbourneA Blotter Hit of LSDC & WEugene ChadbourneAlbum
[no label] (Special purpose label – white labels, self-published releases and other “no label” releases)[none]


recording of:Honey, Don’t! (cover)

Honey, Don’t!

lyricist and composer:Carl Perkins (American pioneer of rockabilly music)
publisher:Carl Perkins Music Inc.
Carlin Music Corporation
Hi Lo Music
Hi Lo Music Inc.
Knox Music Ltd.
MPL Communications Ltd. (not for release label use! Paul McCartney-related, London-based company)