Mandy, Make Up Your Mind

~ Recording by Clarence Williams’ Blue Five

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.10Mandy, Make Up Your Mind3:11Clarence Williams’ Blue Five1924-1938Sidney BechetAlbum + Compilation
DRG Records838 032-2
1.10Mandy, Make Up Your Mind3:11Clarence Williams’ Blue Five1924-1938Sidney BechetAlbum + Compilation
BBC Records (had undergone several name changes, see aliases)BBC CD 700
1.15Mandy, Make Up Your Mind3:10Clarence Williams’ Blue FiveVolume 4: 1924-1925Louis ArmstrongAlbum + Compilation
Média 7MJCD-26
1.1Mandy, Make Up Your Mind3:13Clarence Williams’ Blue FiveThe Chronological Classics: Clarence Williams 1924-1926Clarence WilliamsAlbum + Compilation
Classics Records (compilations of the Chronological Series)695
1.4Mandy, Make up Your Mind3:12Clarence Williams’ Blue FiveSidney Bechet: His Best Recordings 1923 - 1941Sidney BechetAlbum + Compilation
Best of Jazz (French label, The Swing Era series)4017
1.11Mandy, Make Up Your Mind3:10Clarence Williams’ Blue FiveThe Complete American Masters 1931-1953Sidney BechetAlbum + Compilation
  • FR2011-11-21
Universal Music Classics & Jazz France533 616-7


recorded in:New York, New York, United States (on 1924-12-17)
banjo:Buddy Christian (on 1924-12-17)
cornet:Louis Armstrong (on 1924-12-17)
piano:Clarence Williams (composer / pianist /bandleader) (on 1924-12-17)
sarrusophone, soprano saxophone and wind instruments:Sidney Bechet (on 1924-12-17)
trombone:Charlie Irvis (on 1924-12-17)
vocals:Eva Taylor (on 1924-12-17)
recording of:Mandy, Make Up Your Mind (on 1924-12-17)

Mandy, Make Up Your Mind

lyricist:Grant Clarke
Roy Turk
composer:Arthur Johnston (American composer and songwriter)
George W. Meyer (Tin Pan Alley songwriter)