
~ Recording by 研ナオコ

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
  • JP1982-09-05
1.1夏をあきらめて3:33研ナオコめぐりあい研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1982-11-21
1.2夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコBEST SELECTION研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1984-12-05
1.4夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ THE BEST研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1985-12-15
1.2夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ スーパーベスト研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1986-10-21
1.4夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコ研ナオコ ベスト16研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1987-05-21
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)D32P6073
1.4夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコ研ナオコ ベスト研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1987-12-05
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)D32P6179
1.1夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ BEST HITS 〜Memories〜研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1988-12-14
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)D32P6310
1.3夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ ベストコレクション研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1990-11-21
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-00176
1.1夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコおもいっきり 研ナオコ研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1991-05-21
Teichiku Records
1.3夏をあきらめて3:40研ナオコ研ナオコ スペシャルベスト研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1992-09-18
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-00393
  • JP1994-07-21
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)
1.1夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ夏をあきらめて / ボサノバ研ナオコSingle
  • JP1994-07-21
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCDA-00621
1.2夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコ研ナオコ ベストコレクション -花火-研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1994-09-21
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-00640
1.2夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコ研ナオコ ベストコレクション -花火-研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1994-09-21
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)
1.4夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコMy Classics研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1998-11-18
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-01253
2.15夏をあきらめて3:36研ナオコ青春歌年鑑 ’83 BEST30Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2000-11-22
Columbia (Japanese “magic notes” imprint operated by Nippon Columbia; active 1931–2002 and 2010–present)COCA-70259, COCA-70260
1.3夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコCOVERSVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2002-12-18
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-1829
1.11夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコAnthology 研ナオコ BEST研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2003-04-16
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-01883
5.15夏をあきらめて?:??研ナオコJ-WOMAN: Sweet Melodic VoicesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
BMG (the former Bertelsmann Music Group, defunct since 2004-08-05; for releases dated 2008 and later, see annotation)DRF-4701, DRF-4702, DRF-4703, DRF-4704, DRF-4705, DRF-4706, TDCD-90247, TDCD-90248
1.20夏をあきらめて3:36研ナオコ名曲全集研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2004-04-21
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-02023
1.17夏をあきらめて3:35研ナオコ夏歌Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2004-06-23
GT musicMHCL-383
1.5夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ ベスト・アルバム —かもめはかもめ—研ナオコEP + Compilation
  • JP2004-12-15
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)EJS-6145
1.10夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコGold J-POP CLASSICS ポニー キャニオン 編Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2005-11-30
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-2213
1.7夏をあきらめて3:36研ナオコりばいばる 歌謡曲編 NAOKO KEN研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2006-10-18
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-02349
1.11夏をあきらめて3:35研ナオコ研ナオコ ベストヒット研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2007-06-19
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)BHST-102
1.11夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ ベストヒット研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2007-06-19
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)BHST-102
2.1夏をあきらめて3:35研ナオコベスト・コレクション32研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2008-02-20
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCA-02634
1.2夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ ベスト&ベスト研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2008-07-01
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PBB-37
1.13夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ ベスト・コレクション HISTORY 1975-1983研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2008-07-16
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)PCCS-00050
1.2夏をあきらめて3:38研ナオコ想いうた〜歌姫フォーク歌謡曲Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2009-03-18
Victor (Japanese “His Master’s Voice” imprint)VICL-63288
2.9夏をあきらめて?:??研ナオコPERFECT SUMMERVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2010-06-30
GT musicMHCL-1774, MHCL-1775
5.1夏をあきらめて3:37研ナオコ研ナオコ 〜魅力のすべて〜研ナオコOther + Compilation
  • JP2011-12-21
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)DMCA-40240
1.11夏をあきらめて3:35研ナオコ研ナオコ ベストヒット研ナオコAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2012-06-05
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)BHST-102
1.12夏をあきらめて3:36研ナオコ歌姫〜SUPER BEST女性ヴォーカリスト〜Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2013-05-22
GT musicMHCL-2274, MHCL-2275
1.13Natsu wo Akiramete3:39Naoko KenNaoko Ken Best CollectionNaoko KenAlbum + Compilation
PONY CANYON (one of the labels of 株式会社ポニーキャニオン (Japanese corporation) - see annotation for how to identify sibling labels)


karaoke versions:夏をあきらめて(オリジナル・カラオケ)
recording of:夏をあきらめて (cover)


lyricist and composer:桑田佳祐
publisher:Amuse Inc. (Japanese management agency - not normally a label!)