The Last Sleep of the Virgin from "The Virgin"

~ Recording by Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, David Stanhope

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.3The Last Sleep of the Virgin from "The Virgin"3:56Jules MassenetTranquillity 2: The Classical Music of CalmTasmanian Symphony Orchestra, David StanhopeAlbum + Compilation
ABC Classics980 7563


orchestra:Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra
conductor:David Stanhope (Australian composer, conductor and virtuoso pianist)
recording of:La Vierge: Le Dernier Sommeil de la Vierge (The Last Sleep of the Virgin)

La Vierge: Le Dernier Sommeil de la Vierge (The Last Sleep of the Virgin)

composer:Jules Massenet (French Romantic composer)