Chaos (Lambs to the Slaughter)

~ Recording by Acid Reign

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.6Chaos (Lambs to the Slaughter)4:33Acid ReignThe Apple Core ArchivesAcid ReignAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2014-08-04
Candlelight Records (British extreme metal record label)CANDLE455CD
1.6Chaos (Lambs to the Slaughter)4:33Acid ReignAnthology 1987-2017Acid ReignAlbum + Compilation
Dissonance ProductionsDISS0164CDD
1.14Chaos (Lambs to the Slaughter)4:32Acid ReignThe Fear / MoshkinsteinAcid ReignAlbum