The Nutcracker, op. 71, Act II: XIIf. Character Dances (Divertissement): Dance of the Clowns

~ Recording by London Symphony Orchestra, Antal Doráti

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.8The Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act II: XIIf. Character Dances (Divertissement): Dance of the Clowns2:56Пётр Ильич ЧайковскийThe Nutcracker / Serenade for StringsTchaikovsky; London Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Hungarica, Antal DorátiAlbum
  • US1991-08-09
Mercury Living Presence432 751-2, 432 752-2
5.8The Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act II: XIIf. Character Dances (Divertissement): Dance of the Clowns2:56Piotr Illitch TchaïkovskyThe Nutcracker / Serenade for Strings (3-Channel Stereo / Stereo)Tchaikovsky; London Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Hungarica, Antal DorátiAlbum
Mercury Living Presence475 6623
4.8The Nutcracker, Op. 71 Act II: XIIf. Character Dances (Divertissement): Dance of the Clowns2:56Piotr Illitch TchaïkovskyThe Nutcracker / Serenade for Strings (3-Channel Stereo / Stereo)Tchaikovsky; London Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Hungarica, Antal DorátiAlbum
Mercury Living Presence475 6623
5.8[No.12f] Character Dances: Dance of the Clowns2:55Pyotr Ilyich TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker, op. 71 (Complete Ballet) / Serenade in C major, op. 48Tchaikovsky; London Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Hungarica, Antal DorátiAlbum
  • US2005-10-11
Mercury Living Presence475 6623
4.8[No.12f] Character Dances: Dance of the Clowns2:55Pyotr Ilyich TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker, op. 71 (Complete Ballet) / Serenade in C major, op. 48Tchaikovsky; London Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Hungarica, Antal DorátiAlbum
  • US2005-10-11
Mercury Living Presence475 6623
36.8The Nutcracker, op. 71, Act II: XIIf. Character Dances (Divertissement): Dance of the Clowns2:56Peter Ilyich TchaikovskyMercury Living Presence: The Collector's EditionVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -2011
Mercury Living Presence478 3566
1.18The Nutcracker, op. 71 Act II: XIIf. Character Dances (divertissement): Dance of the Clowns2:56Pyotr Ilyich TchaikovskyThe NutcrackerПётр Ильич Чайковский, London Symphony Orchestra, Antal DorátiAlbum
  • -2019-12-02
Ancien Prodige
1.18The Nutcracker, op. 71, TH.14: Act II: No. 12f Character Dances: Polchinelle (The Clown)2:56Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky3 BalletsTchaikovsky; LSOAlbum + Compilation
  • XW2022-12-02
Decca Classics (“DECCA” in white uppercase on a blue-over-red rectangular block; until 1999, for use outside of North America only)
2.8The Nutcracker: [No.12f] Character Dances: Dance of the Clowns2:55Pyotr Ilyich TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker, op. 71 (Complete Ballet) / Serenade in C major, op. 48Tchaikovsky; London Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia Hungarica, Antal DorátiAlbum
Mercury Living Presence


recorded in:United Kingdom (in 1962-07)
orchestra:London Symphony Orchestra (in 1962-07)
conductor:Antal Doráti (conductor) (in 1962-07)
recorded at:Watford Town Hall (municipal building that includes the Assembly Rooms that are today the Watford Colosseum) in Watford, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom (from 1962-07-11 until 1962-07-13)
recording of:Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II, Картина III, no. 12f. Дивертисмент (е) Мамаша Жигонь и паяцы (Mother Ginger and the Clowns) (in 1962-07)

Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II, Картина III, no. 12f. Дивертисмент (е) Мамаша Жигонь и паяцы (Mother Ginger and the Clowns)

composer:Пётр Ильич Чайковский (Russian romantic composer)
part of:Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II (The Nutcracker, op. 71: Act 2) (order: 8)