Are You in the Mood? (N°1)

~ Recording by Django Reinhardt and His American Swing Big Band

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.4Are You in the Mood? (№1)3:28Django! and His American Swing Big BandDjango-ism, №1 “Swing Guitar”Django! and His American Swing Big BandAlbum + Compilation
Jass RecordsJ-CD-628
1.4Are You in the Mood? (N°1)?:??Django Reinhardt and His American Swing Big BandSwing GuitarDjango Reinhardt and His American Swing Big BandAlbum + Compilation
Milan (main imprint of Milan Entertainment, Inc. and Éditions Milan Music)CD CH 538


recording of:Are You in the Mood?

Are You in the Mood?

composer:Stéphane Grappelli (jazz violinist)
Django Reinhardt (French jazz guitarist and composer)