Let’s Go All the Way

~ Recording by Sly Fox

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.4Let’s Go All the Way3:51Sly FoxThe Original Disco Dance Collection, Vol. 3: 1985–1989Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
EVA (for use with NL/BE/FR releases only. see annotation), OdeonPD 74054
2.8Let's Go All the Way3:48Sly FoxNow That’s What I Call Music! 1986Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB1993-08-23
NOW (bogus label; use the MusicBrainz Series instead)CDNOW1986
2.11Let's Go All the Way3:50Sly FoxThe 80’s Collection: 1986: Alive and KickingVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Time–Life MusicTL 544/15
1.2Let's Go All the Way3:49Sly FoxThe Very Best of Pop Music 1986-87Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Egmont Music ClubEMC8687010
2.6Let’s Go All the Way3:48Sly FoxNow That’s What I Call Music! 1986: The Millennium SeriesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB1999-06-21
Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures), Virgin (worldwide imprint of Virgin Records Ltd. and all its subsidiaries)7243 5 20271 2 5, NOWMIL 1986
2.1Let's Go All the Way3:51Sly FoxEntertainment Weekly: Absolute 80sVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
EMI-Capitol Special Markets72435-23035-2-6
6.7Let's Go All the Way3:49Sly FoxBest of the EightiesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2000-10-16
EMI Gold5284352
2.11Let’s Go All the Way3:48Sly FoxTop 40 Hitdossier 1985-1986Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • NL2001-10-22
1.18Let's Go All the Way3:51Sly FoxDisco GenerationVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • NL2001-10-25
DiskyCB 648012
2.16Let’s Go All the Way3:50Sly FoxSchool Reunion: The 80’sVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2003-11-10
Box Music (Polish Label), Virgin (worldwide imprint of Virgin Records Ltd. and all its subsidiaries)7243 5 91525 2 3, VTDCD 544
2.12Let’s Go All the Way3:49Sly FoxEdge of the 80s: Heart of the EightiesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -2003
  • AU2004
Time–Life MusicTL PRA/08
3.8Let’s Go All the Way3:52Sly FoxReunited: The Last DanceVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
DiskyCB 902041
1.20Let’s Go All the Way3:47Sly Fox101 80s HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2007-02-26
Virgin TVVTDCDX 865
2.3Let's Go All the Way3:51Sly FoxUlli Wengers One Hit Wonder, Volume 9Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2007-11-09
Ganser & Hanke Media770 658-2
1.10Let’s Go All the Way (single version)3:49Sly FoxThis Is… 1986Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2008-08-08
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)5099922790620
1.10Let’s Go All the Way (single version)3:49Sly FoxThis Is… 1986Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2008-08-08
14.16Let’s Go All the Way3:50Sly FoxMastermix Professional Engineered for DJs: DecadesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Music Factory (UK promotional remix service started in 1985)SET225
1.7Let's Go All the Way3:48Sly Fox80s: 110 Original HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -2009-08
EMI Gold
2.4Let’s Go All the Way (single version)3:47Sly Fox101 80s AnthemsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2010-11-05
2.4Let’s Go All the Way3:47Sly Fox101 80s AnthemsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2010-11-08
EMI (EMI Records, since 1972), EMI TV50999 9 09690 2 7, VTDCDX 1013
5.12Let’s Go All the Way3:47Sly Fox100 Hits: The New RomanticsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • XW2011-11-21
100 HitsDMG 100 088
2.11Let’s Go All the Way3:50Sly FoxSchool Disco Anthems, Volume 2Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2011-11-30
Universal Music TV (UK, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited)5332895
2.3Let’s Go All the Way3:50Sly FoxOne Hit Wonders (Joe FM)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Universal Music Belgium536.557-2, 536.557-3, 536.557-4, 536.557-5
2.2Let’s Go All the Way3:47Sly FoxSounds of the 80s: Like a Record Baby (1984-1986)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2019-02-15
Spectrum Music (Universal Music Group budget label)
2.2Let's Go All the Way3:47Sly FoxSounds of the 80s: Like a Record Baby (1984-1986)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2019-02-15
Spectrum Music (Universal Music Group budget label)UMCSOT8002
1.11Let’s Go All the Way3:47Sly FoxSounds of the 80s: Like a Record Baby (1984-1986)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
UMC (related to United Musix Corporation do Brasil Ltda.; NOT related to Universal Music)5385022
1.26Let’s Go All The Way3:50Sly FoxForgotten 80’s HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
UMG Recordings, Inc. (operational headquarters of Universal Music Group, based in Santa Monica, USA; read annotations)
8.8Let's Go All the Way3:49Sly Fox80s Music Explosion!Various ArtistsAlbum + CompilationTime–Life Music


recording of:Let’s Go All the Way

Let’s Go All the Way

lyricist and composer:Gary “Mudbone” Cooper