A Song for You

~ Recording by Peggy Lee

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.4A Song for You4:46Peggy LeeNorma Deloris Egstrom From Jamestown, North DakotaPeggy LeeAlbum
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)8XT 11077
1.4A Song for You4:46Peggy LeeNorma Deloris Egstrom From Jamestown, North DakotaPeggy LeeAlbum
Capitol Records (imprint of Capitol Records, Inc.)ST 11077
1.16A Song for You4:46Peggy LeeI’m a Woman / Norma Deloris Egstrom from Jamestown, North DakotaPeggy LeeAlbum + Compilation


recording of:A Song for You (cover)

A Song for You

lyricist and composer:Leon Russell
publisher:Irving Music (BMI)
Irving Music, Inc.
Skyhill Pub. Co., Inc.
Universal Music Publishing Ltd. (UK subsidiary of Universal Music Publishing Group)
ユニバーサル・ミュージック・パブリッシング Synch事業部
later translated versions:ア・ソング・フォー・ユー (Japanese version)