Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child

~ Recording by Lena Horne

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.12Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child2:53Lena HorneSoft Swinging Jazz HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
K-Box (imprint of Weton-Wesgram B.V.)K-BOX255
2.3Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child2:50Lena HorneYou’ll Have to Swing ItVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
2.12Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child2:53Lena HorneSoft Swinging Jazz HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -1998-09-07
Blue Nite


recording of:Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (negro spiritual) (cover)

Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (negro spiritual)

writer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)