Coventry Carol

~ Recording by Choir of York Minster, Francis Jackson

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.3Coventry Carol2:55English TraditionalChristmas CelebrationChoir of York Minster, Francis JacksonAlbum
Radio Times (magazine)RTCD4
1.3Coventry Carol2:55[traditional]Christmas Carols from York MinsterChoir of York Minster, Francis JacksonAlbum
Chandos CollectCHAN 6632


choir vocals:Choir of York Minster
conductor:Francis Jackson (organist / composer)
recording of:Coventry Carol

Coventry Carol

lyricist and composer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)
is the basis for:Dancing Day: 5. Coventry Carol
arrangements:Coventry Carol (Martin Shaw arrangement)
Coventry Carol (arranged by Rathbone)
Coventry Carol (Steve Pilkington arrangement)
Coventry Carol (David Willcocks arrangement)
Coventry Carol (Nox Arcana arrangement)
Coventry Carol (arr. Warland)
Coventry Carol (arr. Powell)
Coventry Carol (Deuter arragement)
Lully, Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child, op. 25 no. 2 (Kenneth Leighton arrangement of the Coventry Carol)
The Coventry Carol (arr. Michael McGlynn)