In the Mood (live, 1974-08-26: Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, OH, USA)

~ Recording by Rush

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.6In the Mood3:18RushTransmission ImpossibleRushAlbum + Live
Eat to the Beat ("Transmission Impossible" series)ETTB082


bass guitar and lead vocals:Geddy Lee (on 1974-08-26)
drums (drum set):Neil Peart (on 1974-08-26)
guitar:Alex Lifeson (on 1974-08-26)
recorded at:Rush at Agora Ballroom (1974-08-26)
recorded at:Agora Ballroom (2nd location, 1967–1984) in Cleveland, Ohio, United States (on 1974-08-26)
recording of:In the Mood (on 1974-08-26: live)

In the Mood

lyricist and composer:Geddy Lee