The Clown
~ Recording by Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Peter Wohlert
Appears on releases
# | Title | Length | Track Artist | Release Title | Release Artist | Release Group Type | Country/Date | Label | Catalog# |
Official | |||||||||
1.12 | The Clown | ?:?? | Peter Tchaikovsky | The Nutcracker: Highlights | Tchaikovsky; Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Peter Wohlert | Album + Compilation |
| LaserLight | 79 020 |
orchestra: | Berlin Symphony Orchestra (use only if the correct orchestra is unknown - see annotation) |
conductor: | Peter Wohlert |
recording of: | Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II, Картина III, no. 12f. Дивертисмент (е) Мамаша Жигонь и паяцы (Mother Ginger and the Clowns) |
Related works
Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II, Картина III, no. 12f. Дивертисмент (е) Мамаша Жигонь и паяцы (Mother Ginger and the Clowns)
composer: | Пётр Ильич Чайковский (Russian romantic composer) |
part of: | Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II (The Nutcracker, op. 71: Act 2) (order: 8) |