Rockin' All Over the World (live, 2007-07-01: Concert for Diana, Wembley Stadium, London, UK)

~ Video by Status Quo

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.17Rockin’ All Over the World3:53Status QuoConcert for Diana (live, 2007-07-01: Concert for Diana, Wembley Stadium, London, UK)Various ArtistsAlbum + Live
  • -2007-11-13


recording of:Rockin’ All Over the World (on 2007-07-01: cover, live)

Rockin’ All Over the World

lyricist and composer:John Fogerty
publisher:Copyright Control (not for release label use! this is only for copyrights and publishing relationships)
Greasy King Music
Hornall Brothers Music (limited company)
Intersong (publisher)
Intersong Music Ltd.
Warner Bros. Music Ltd. (UK subsidiary, so named between 1970/01/23–1971/04/26 and 1972/04/25–1988/08/23)
Wenaha Music
Intersong Ltd. (publisher) (in 1977)
later parody versions:Quorn Medley
later translated parody versions:Humpaten ympäri maailman
later translated versions:Rocken durch die ganze Welt