You’re the Top

~ Recording by Skinnay Ennis & Hal Kemp and His Orchestra

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.5You’re the Top3:19Hal Kemp and His OrchestraYou’re the Top: Cole Porter in the 1930sCole PorterAlbum + Compilation
KOCH International ClassicsKIC-CD-7136
2.5Anything Goes (1934): You’re the Top3:19Hal Kemp and His OrchestraYou’re the Top: Cole Porter in the 1930sCole PorterAlbum + Compilation
Sony Music Special Products, BMG Direct Marketing, Inc. (BMG company that owned their direct marketing company/club editions), RCA Special ProductsA-22701, A-22702, DMC1-1020
1.22You're the Top3:19Skinnay Ennis & Hal Kemp and His OrchestraBioshock Soundtrack (Ultimate OST)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation + Soundtrack
  • -2007
1.7You're the Top3:19Skinnay Ennis & Hal Kemp and His OrchestraBioshock Licensed SoundtrackVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation


recorded in:New York, New York, United States (on 1934-12-14)
double bass [string bass]:Jack Shirra (on 1934-12-14)
drums (drum set) and lead vocals:Skinnay Ennis (on 1934-12-14)
guitar:Phil Fent (on 1934-12-14)
piano:John Scott Trotter (on 1934-12-14)
reeds:Harold Dankers (on 1934-12-14)
Saxie Dowell (on 1934-12-14)
Ben Williams (jazz sax) (on 1934-12-14)
trombone:Eddie Kusby (on 1934-12-14)
Gus Mayhew (on 1934-12-14)
trumpet:Russ Case (US trumpeter & bandleader) (on 1934-12-14)
Earl Geiger (on 1934-12-14)
arranger:John Scott Trotter
recording of:You’re the Top (on 1934-12-14)

You’re the Top

lyricist and composer:Cole Porter (composer) (in 1934)
later translated versions:Você é o mel
later versions:You're the Top (Barbra Streisand's Back to Brooklyn version)
part of:Anything Goes (number)
is the basis for:Basta ya