Man in the Mirror (Immortal version)

~ Recording by Michael Jackson

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.26Man in the Mirror4:15Michael JacksonImmortal (iTunes LP)Michael JacksonAlbum + Remix
  • XW2011-11-18
MJJ Productions (logo / imprint / label)
2.11Man in the Mirror (Immortal version)4:15Michael JacksonImmortal (Deluxe Edition)Michael JacksonAlbum + Remix
  • US2011-11-21
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)88697 99394 2
2.11Man in the Mirror (Immortal version)4:15Michael JacksonImmortal (Deluxe Edition)Michael JacksonAlbum + Remix
  • JP2011-11-23
Sony Music Japan International Inc. (Do not use as a label, see the annotation.)EICP 1510, EICP 1511
1.20Man in the Mirror (Immortal version)4:18Michael JacksonImmortalMichael JacksonAlbum + Remix
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)88697912592
1.20Man in the Mirror (Immortal version)4:18Michael JacksonImmortalMichael JacksonAlbum + Remix
2.11Man in the Mirror (Immortal version)4:15Michael JacksonImmortal (Deluxe Edition)Michael JacksonAlbum + Remix
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)88697 99394 2
7.26Man in the Mirror (Immortal version)4:15Michael JacksonThe Ultimate Fan Extras CollectionMichael JacksonAlbum + Compilation + Demo
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)
7.26Man in the Mirror (Immortal version)4:15Michael JacksonThe Ultimate Fan Extras Collection (Mastered for iTunes)Michael JacksonAlbum + Compilation + Demo
  • US2013-06-27
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony)


recording of:Man in the Mirror

Man in the Mirror

writer:Glen Ballard
Siedah Garrett
publisher:Arlovol Music
Universal Music Corporation (France)
Yellowbrick Road Music
ヤマハミュージックエンタテインメントホールディングス (holding company - do not use as release label)
ユニバーサル・ミュージック・パブリッシング Synch事業部
ワーナー・チャペル音楽出版 Synch事業部