Rainbow Tree

~ Recording by The Lemon Pipers

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.4Rainbow Tree2:26The Lemon PipersGreen TambourineThe Lemon PipersAlbum
  • -1968
Buddah Records (revived/renamed in 1998 as Buddha Records)BDS 5009
1.4Rainbow Tree2:16The Lemon PipersGreen TambourineThe Lemon PipersAlbum
Buddah Records (revived/renamed in 1998 as Buddha Records)BDS 5009
1.4Rainbow Tree2:26The Lemon PipersGreen TambourineThe Lemon PipersAlbum
Repertoire Records (Hamburg-based multinational reissue label)RR-4016-C
1.4Rainbow Tree2:22The Lemon PipersLove Beads and MeditationThe Lemon PipersAlbum + Compilation
RevOla RecordsCRREV264
1.4Rainbow Tree2:22The Lemon PipersGreen TambourineThe Lemon PipersAlbum
Talking ElephantTECD278