
~ Recording by 平井堅

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
  • JP2019-12-04
Ariola Japan (Japanese label, rebranded from the entirety of BMG Japan in June 2009)BVXX01281B00Z
1.1#3024:30平井堅#302 (初回生産限定盤)平井堅Single
  • JP2019-12-04
Ariola Japan (Japanese label, rebranded from the entirety of BMG Japan in June 2009)BVCL-1025, BVCL-1026
1.3#3024:24平井堅あなたになりたかった (通常盤)平井堅Album
  • JP2021-05-12
Ariola Japan (Japanese label, rebranded from the entirety of BMG Japan in June 2009)BVCL-1149


phonographic copyright (℗) by:Sony Music Labels Inc. (record company established in 2014; rights and manufacturer use primarily, not an imprint) (in 2019)
karaoke versions:#302 (less vocal)
music videos:#302 (Music Video)