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#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.4Symphonic Poem “The Isle of the Dead”, op. 2922:53Sergei Vassilievich RachmaninovSymphony no. 3 / Symphonic Poem “The Isle of the Dead”Rachmaninov; Evgeny Svetlanov, State Sympony Orchestra of the Russian FederationAlbum
  • JP2003-06-18
CANYON ClassicsPCCL-00570


orchestra:Государственный академический симфонический оркестр России (“Evgeny Svetlanov” / GASO)
conductor:Евгений Фёдорович Светланов (conductor)
recorded at:The Large Hall of the Moscow Radio in Moscow, Russia (from 1995-10-02 until 1995-10-07)
recording of:The Isle of the Dead, op. 29

The Isle of the Dead, op. 29

composer:Сергей Рахманинов (Russian composer) (in 1909)
later versions:Die Toteninsel, Tondichtung, op. 29 (for organ, Langmann)