Strobe Light (live, 2007-11-16: Roxy Theatre, West Hollywood, CA, US)

~ Recording by The B‐52s

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.4Strobe Light4:40The B‐52sFunplex (Limited edition Target exclusive)The B‐52sAlbum
  • US2008-03-25
Astralwerks094922912916, B52 29129


bass:Tracy Wormworth
drums (drum set):Sterling Campbell
guitar:Keith Strickland
guitar [2nd guitar] and keyboard [keyboards]:Paul Gordon (production music composer / B-52s keyboardist)
vocals:Kate Pierson
Fred Schneider
Cindy Wilson
recorded at:Roxy Theatre in West Hollywood, California, United States (on 2007-11-16)
recording of:Strobe Light (on 2007-11-16: live)

Strobe Light

composer:Fred Schneider
Keith Strickland
Ricky Wilson (The B‐52’s)
publisher:Rondor Music (London) Ltd.