Macho, Macho

~ Recording by Rainhard Fendrich

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1Macho Macho4:16Rainhard FendrichDie Superhits des Jahres 1988Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)353 457
1.3Macho Macho (single version)4:12Rainhard FendrichMacho MachoRainhard FendrichSingle
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)661 549
1.1Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichMacho Macho - Starke Töne aus ÖsterreichVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)259 346
1.2Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichSuper Willi's Super HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)353 356, 353 356-263
1.9Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichDas goldene Schlager-Archiv: Die Hits des Jahres 1988Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
SR International18 545 4
1.1Macho Macho4:16Rainhard FendrichDie Deutsche Single Hitparade 1988Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Polyphon845 259-2
1.1Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichAustro HitparadeVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola Express290 528
1.12Macho Macho4:16Rainhard FendrichHit Collection, Volume 1Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola Express290 436
1.8Macho, Macho4:17Rainhard FendrichDas Beste von Rainhard FendrichRainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • DE1992-11-10
Metronome (Hamburg)513 793-2
1.6Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichAlles was Du willstRainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • -1992
Ariola Express291 125 - 200
1.9Macho Macho4:17Rainhard FendrichStrada...AustriaRainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)74321 13652 2
1.2Macho Macho4:15Rainhard Fendrich25 Jahre deutsche Hitparade: 1988Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
BMG Ariola Miller GmbH49094 6
1.15Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichDie größten Hits aus 15 JahrenRainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)527 804-2
3.14Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichMusik muß dabei sein. Dieter Thomas Heck präsentiert: Das Deutsche Schlageralbum aus 50 JahrenVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
BMG (the former Bertelsmann Music Group, defunct since 2004-08-05; for releases dated 2008 and later, see annotation)74321 29195 2
1.1Macho Macho4:18Rainhard FendrichStar Collection: Austro HitparadeVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)74321 553612
1.2Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichBest of Austria - 15 ZuckerlnVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)74321 610982
1.9Macho Macho4:13Rainhard FendrichParty Bild: Die Jahrtausend-FeteVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE1999-06-11
Polystar (Germany)CD 564 488-2
1.16Macho Macho4:14Rainhard Fendrich30 Jahre ZDF Hitparade (Jubiläumsausgabe)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)74321 81995 2
1.1Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichBest of Austro-PopVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2001-10-29
Amadeo584 105-2
1.14Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichFetenkult: Hüttenzauber 2002Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2002-01-02
BMG (the former Bertelsmann Music Group, defunct since 2004-08-05; for releases dated 2008 and later, see annotation)
1.14Maccho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichOttis OktoberfestVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Koch Universal (use only for releases with logo saying "Koch Universal")330 367
2.10Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichSternstunden des Schlagers: Schlager-GalaVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past), Time–Life Music74321 91933 2, DSC/01
4.21Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichEin bisschen Kult muss seinVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2003-01-01
Reader’s Digest Music071779
1.2Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichAustropop KultRainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2004-10-18
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)82876 65304 2
1.8Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichAustro Pop Show ViaVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2005-08-08
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)82876675742
2.1Macho, Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichOttis Wiesn Hits 2005Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2005-09-09
Polystar (Germany)
2.6Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichWeltberühmt in Österreich, Volume 3Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2007-01-19
Universal Music Austria (not likely an imprint but just the company trademark of Universal Music Austria GmbH)9846145
1.2Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichBest of: Wenn das kein Beweis is ...Rainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2007-11-16
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)88697 20230 2
1.4Macho Macho4:17Rainhard FendrichI Am From AustriaRainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2008-08-29
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)88697299432
1.6Macho Macho4:13Rainhard FendrichDie Hit‐Giganten: Après‐Ski‐HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2008-12-19
2.18Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichAlle Hits!: Die 80erVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
1.6Macho Macho4:13Rainhard FendrichDie Hit-Giganten: Après-Ski-HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)88697449102
1.2Macho Macho4:13Rainhard FendrichÖ3 Zeitreise 1988Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -2009-01-30
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)531420 6
1.17Macho Macho4:12Rainhard Fendrich40 Jahre ZDF Hitparade: NDW HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2009-02-13
Sony Music Catalog (a division of Sony Music Entertainment (Germany) GmbH, as well as its imprint)88697 44916 2
2.3Macho Macho4:14Rainhard Fendrich50 Jahre Kronen ZeitungVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2009-09-04
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)88697584942
1.5Macho Macho4:13Rainhard FendrichAustropop 50Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2009-10-30
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)[none]
1.10Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichKarnevals PowerpartyVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2010-01-08
EMI Music Germany GmbH & Co. KG (do not use this as a release label!)
1.3Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichAustro Pop Forever EinsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2010-05-21
Universal Music Austria (not likely an imprint but just the company trademark of Universal Music Austria GmbH)
1.1Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichAustro Pop Parade 1Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2010-09-17
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)88697755152
2.8Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichBest of 10 Jahre Radio ArabellaVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2011-05-31
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)
2.4Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichBild am Sonntag: Die besten deutschen 80er Hits des Jahrtausends - Deutschrock Hit EditionVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)88697 95198 2
1.4Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichThe Best of Rainhard FendrichRainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2012-03-16
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)
1.14Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichBest of AustriaEAV / Die Seer / Rainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2012-10-12
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)
2.5Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichAprès Ski Rockparty 2013Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2012-12-14
Warner Music Group Central Europe5053105-5720-2-1
1.1Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichI Am From AustriaVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2013-03-01
Koch Universal Music (use only for releases with logo saying "Koch Universal Music")5341996
2.6Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichSuper Austro Hits, Vol. 2Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2013-03-22
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)88919 2474-2
2.15Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichDie ultimative Chart Show: Die erfolgreichsten Ballermann-HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2013-07-19
Polystar (Germany)
4.9Macho Macho4:13Rainhard FendrichDie Heckparade - Meine 100 größten Schlagerhits aller ZeitenVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
1.13Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichFormel Eins: Die Schlager HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)
1.2Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichJö schau...Rainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2014-06-03
Ariola (German label, used worldwide in the past)
1.3Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichZwischen Gestern & Heute - Die ultimative LiedersammlungRainhard FendrichAlbum + Compilation
  • AT2015-02-27
2.16Macho Macho4:10Rainhard FendrichRTL2 Oktoberfest: It's FunVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2015-09-04
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)
2.5Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichDie Hit Giganten Best of Après Ski HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2015-12-18
Sony Music Media
2.5Macho Macho4:12Rainhard FendrichDie Hit-Giganten: Best of Après Ski HitsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2015-12-18
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)88875037112
2.8Macho Macho4:14Rainhard Fendrich100 Hits der 80er: The Sound of My LifeVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -2015
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)88875146422
2.7Macho Macho4:14Rainhard FendrichDie Hit-Giganten: Best of Après Ski Hits (2017 Edition)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2017-12-15
SME Media (Sony Music)88985450392
2.10Macho Macho4:15Rainhard FendrichDie ultimative Chart Show: Die erfolgreichsten deutschsprachigen Singles (2017)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2017-12-15
Polystar (Germany)0600753806890
3.10Macho Macho4:12Rainhard Fendrich50 Jahre ZDF HitparadeVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2019-04-26
Sony Music (global brand, excluding JP, owned by Sony Music Entertainment)
1.1Macho Macho4:16Rainhard FendrichGoldene Hits Aus ÖsterreichVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
7.2Macho Macho4:09Rainhard FendrichDeutsche Schlager der 80er Querbeet die 3Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -2007


phonographic copyright (℗) by:BMG Ariola München GmbH (in 1988)
edits:Macho Macho (maxi version)
recording of:Macho Macho (in 1988)

Macho Macho

lyricist and composer:Rainhard Fendrich
publisher:Gedur Musikverlag
later parody versions:Matt und mattscher
later translated versions:Macho Macho (cantado en Español)