
~ Recording by Ciara feat. Petey Pablo

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.4Goodies3:22Ciara feat. Petey PabloTop 40: 2000’sVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2014-01-27
Crimson Productions (UK budget reissue label; imprint of Crimson Productions Ltd.)CRIMT40005


recording of:Goodies


writer:Ciara Harris (American singer)
Sean Garrett
Jonathan Smith (US producer & rapper)
LeMarquis Jefferson (producer & bass player from Atlanta, GA)
Craig Love
publisher:C'Amore Music
Christopher Garrett’s Publishing
EMI April Music Inc.
Hitco South
Me and Marq Music
Music of Windswept
Music Publishing 101 (ASCAP)
Royalty Rightings
White Rhino Music