Mairzy Doats

~ Recording by Five By Design with the Utah Symphony

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.5Mairzy Doats1:28Five By Design with the Utah SymphonyRadio DaysFive by Design with the Utah SymphonyAlbum + Live
Hot Jazz RecordingsDRCD98-9885656


recorded at:Maurice Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States (on 1997-08-10)
recording of:Mairzy Doats (on 1997-08-10: cover, live)

Mairzy Doats

composer:Milton Drake
Al Hoffman
Jerry Livingston (songwriter)
publisher:Al Hoffman Songs Inc.
Hallmark Music Co. Inc. (ASCAP affiliated)
Milton Music Corp.
Sony/ATV Tunes LLC