Crossroads (live, 1968-03-10: Winterland, San Francisco, CA, USA)

~ Recording by Cream

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • US1968-06-14
ATCO RecordsSD 2-700
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • GB1968-08-09
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)583 031
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)184 167, 184 168
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
SupraphonS 1113 0811, S 1113 08112
1.6Crossroads4:13CreamHistory of Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
ATCO RecordsSD 2-803
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2658110
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)2612 001
2.1Crossroads4:22CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
RSOMWX 9954, MWX 9955
1.3Crossroads4:14CreamStrange Brew – The Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
RSO422-811 639-1 Y-1
1.3Crossroads4:16CreamStrange Brew: The Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)811 639-2
1.3Crossroads4:16CreamStrange Brew: The Very Best of Cream (made in France)CreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)811 639-2 Y
1.3Crossroads4:16CreamStrange Brew: The Very Best of Cream (BMG club edition)CreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), BMG Direct Marketing, Inc. (BMG company that owned their direct marketing company/club editions)811 639-2, D100468
1.3Crossroads4:16CreamStrange Brew: The Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)811 639-2
1.3Crossroads4:16CreamStrange Brew: The Very Best of Cream (made in West Germany)CreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)811 639-2 Y
1.3Crossroads4:16CreamStrange Brew: The Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)P2 11639
2.7Crossroads4:17CreamBacktrackin'Eric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)821 937-2
2.7Crossroads4:17CreamBacktrackin'Eric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Starblend Records, Ltd.ERIC 1
2.7Crossroads4:18Eric ClaptonBacktrackin’Eric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)821 937-2
2.7Crossroads4:17CreamBacktrackin’Eric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
RSO821 937-2
1.3Crossroads4:15CreamCreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
AMIGA8 56 055
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
Mobile Fidelity Sound LabMFSL 2-066
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • DE1986-03-17
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)827 578-2
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • JP1986-05-01
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)827 578-2
1.6Crossroads4:24CreamHistory of Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1987-07-01
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), RSOP58W 25024/5
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)833 519-2
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)833 519-2
2.3Crossroads4:14CreamCrossroadsEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • US1988-04-18
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)835 261-2, 835 268-2, 835 269-2, 835 270-2, 835 271-2
1.14Crossroads4:12CreamBest of 60's Psychedelic RockVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Priority Records (US hip hop)
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of Eric ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1989-08-01
Polydor (Japanese domestic artists only, prior to 2023)P25P 25096
1.13Crossroads4:15CreamRocking the BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
1.17Crossroads4:13CreamClassic Rock: Shakin’ All Over 1969Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Time–Life Music, Warner Special Products2CLR-20, OPCD-2587
1.4Crossroads4:13CreamStoryEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), Polystar (Germany)849 175-2
1.4Crossroads4:13CreamStoryEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)843 266-2
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)31453 1812-2, 731453 1812-2
1.4Crossroads4:13CreamStoryEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)843 266-2 27
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • US1992-05-14
DCC Compact ClassicsGZS (2) 1020
1.17Crossroads4:15CreamCreme de la CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)513104-2
1.8Crossroads4:13CreamThe Rolling Stone Collection: 25 Years of Essential RockVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Time–Life MusicOPCS-2692, OPCS-2693, OPCS-2694, PT-23707, PT-23708, PT-23709, PT-23710, R102-33
1.8Crossroads4:12CreamThe Rolling Stone Collection: 25 Years of Essential RockVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Time–Life MusicA-23707/R102-34, A-23708/R102-34, A-23709/R102-34, A-23710/R102-34, OPCD-2692/R102-34, OPCD-2693/R102-34, OPCD-2694/R102-34, R102-34
1.6Crossroads4:13CreamEric Clapton StagesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE1993-05-27
Spectrum Music (Universal Music Group budget label)550-028-2
1.6Crossroads4:13CreamStagesEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Spectrum Music (Universal Music Group budget label)550 028-2
1.6Crossroads4:13CreamStagesEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB1994-03-29
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)521 881-2
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), PolyTelP2 21881
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of Clapton (grey medium label)Eric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)521 881-2
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)521 881-2
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), PolyGram521 881-2, PY 920
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)521 881-2
1.18Crossroads4:19CreamThe Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1995-02-25
Polydor (Japanese domestic artists only, prior to 2023)POCP-2328
1.4Crossroads4:17CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • US1995-03-07
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), Chronicles (a label under UMG’s Universal Music Enterprises division)31452 7116-2
1.16Crossroads4:12CreamThe Best Rock Album in the World… Ever! IIVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Virgin TVVTDCD47
1.18Crossroads4:19CreamThe Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
  • US1995-05-09
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)523 752-2
1.1Crossroads4:16CreamGuitar Rock: FM ClassicsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Time–Life Music, PolyGram Special MarketsR968-15
1.4Crossroads4:17CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Chronicles (a label under UMG’s Universal Music Enterprises division), Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)P2 27116
1.4Crossroads4:17CreamThe Cream of Clapton (BMG club release)Eric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
Chronicles (a label under UMG’s Universal Music Enterprises division), Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), BMG Direct Marketing, Inc. (BMG company that owned their direct marketing company/club editions)31452 7116-2, D 108241
1.18Crossroads4:19CreamThe Very Best OfCreamAlbum + Compilation
532 752 - 2
1.18Crossroads4:19CreamThe Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)31452 3752-2
2.3Crossroads4:14CreamCrossroadsEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • XE1996-11-04
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)835 261-2, 835 268-2, 835 269-2, 835 270-2, 835 271-2
1.5Crossroads4:17CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • DE1997-12-09
Zounds Gold (24 carat gold CDs)27330020 D
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)531 812-2
10.5Crossroads4:10CreamBlues Story (1998 release)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
PolyGram Collections
2.18Crossroads4:16CreamThe No. 1 Blues AlbumVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
PolyGram TV (a division of PolyGram Record Operations Ltd.)555872
1.10Crossroads4:18Cream20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection: The Best of Cream (20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection)CreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)314 543 498-2
1.10Crossroads4:18CreamThe Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)B0007823-02
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
DCC Compact Classics, Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)GZS(2)-1020
2.1Crossroads4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • JP2001-11-21
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)UICY-9152/3
10.5Crossroads4:10CreamBlues Story (2001 release)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
PolyGram Collections7902, 7922, 7972, 8082, 8092, 8102, 8112, 9008122, 9008152, 9008172, 9008182
1.64Crossroads4:05Cream100 Hits Paint It BlackVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
RMG RecordsRMG 1404 MP3
1.19Crossroads (live)4:17CreamI Feel Free: Ultimate CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2005-05-02
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)987 136-2
2.5Crossroads4:15CreamGoldCreamAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2005-08-29
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)0602498801468
1.5Crossroads4:13CreamThe Cream of ClaptonEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • XE2005-09-30
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)0602498305720
2.5Crossroads4:15CreamCream GoldCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), Chronicles (a label under UMG’s Universal Music Enterprises division)B0004193-02
2.5Crossroads4:15CreamCream GoldCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)B000419302
2.3Crossroads4:14CreamCrossroadsEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2007-10-29
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)0600753028094
2.5Crossroads4:15CreamCream GoldCreamAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2008-06-25
Universal International (Japanese label; release must say “制作:Universal International” AND have no logos other than “Universal Music”)UICY 90899/900
1.10Crossroads (Live At The Fillmore)4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • JP2010-10-27
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)UIGY-9042
1.6Crossroads (live)4:16CreamIconCreamAlbum + Compilation
  • NL2011-07-08
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)00600753340912
2.3Crossroads4:16CreamIcon 2CreamAlbum + Compilation
  • XW2011-07-19
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)B0015816-02
1.2Crossroads (live)4:15Cream100 Years of the BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures)0600753345009
2.1Crossroads4:19CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • JP2013-12-18
Universal (plain logo “Universal” used by Universal Music and Universal Pictures)UICY-40038/9
1.10Crossroads (live at The Fillmore)4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • JP2014-11-26
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)UIGY-9600
4.1Crossroads4:21CreamClassic Album SelectionCreamAlbum + Compilation
  • XE2016-04-29
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)473 456-1, 473 456-3, 473 456-4, 473 457-2, 473 457-4
1.12Crossroads (live at the Fillmore)4:18CreamWheels of FireCreamAlbum
  • JP2016-08-24
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)UIGY-15003
2.1Crossroads4:19CreamWheels of Fire (2018 MQA x UHQCD)CreamAlbum
  • JP2018-06-20
Universal Music (plain logo: “Universal Music”)UICY-40173/4
2.7Crossroads4:17CreamBacktrackin’ (2020 MQA x UHQCD)Eric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation
  • JP2020-08-26
Universal Music (plain logo: “Universal Music”)UICY40303
1.10Crossroads (live)4:16Cream20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
Polydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)
1.1Crossroads4:15Cream1998Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Rhino (reissue label)
2.7Crossroads4:17CreamBacktrackin’Eric ClaptonAlbum + CompilationPolydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), RSO821 937-2
1.5Crossroads4:12CreamBest OfCreamAlbum + Compilation
1.5Crossroads4:11CreamBlues Story n°10 Concert vol. 1Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
1.9Crossroads4:16CreamCreamCreamAlbum + CompilationPolydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), RSO827 991-2
2.3Crossroads4:14CreamCrossroadsEric ClaptonAlbum + Compilation835 261-2
1.3Crossroads4:16CreamStrange Brew: The Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + CompilationPolydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)811 639-2
1.10Crossroads4:18CreamThe Best of CreamCreamAlbum + Compilation
1.18Crossroads4:15CreamThe Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + CompilationPolydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation)
1.18Crossroads4:19CreamThe Very Best of CreamCreamAlbum + CompilationPolydor (worldwide imprint, see annotation), BMG Direct Marketing, Inc. (BMG company that owned their direct marketing company/club editions)31452 3752-2, D 103385
3.28Crossroads4:16CreamBacobens Rock Top 500 (CD1)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation


recording engineer:Bill Halverson
engineer:Adrian Barber (producer/engineer)
producer:Felix Pappalardi
bass:Jack Bruce (on 1968-03-10)
drums (drum set):Ginger Baker (on 1968-03-10)
electric guitar:Eric Clapton (on 1968-03-10)
vocals:Eric Clapton (on 1968-03-10)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:Robert Stigwood Group Ltd. (in 1968)
Universal International Music B.V. (company, do not use as label) (in 1968)
recorded at:Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco, California, United States (on 1968-03-10)
recording of:Cross Road Blues (a/k/a “Crossroads”) (on 1968-03-10: cover, live)

Cross Road Blues (a/k/a “Crossroads”)

lyricist and composer:Robert Johnson (1930s blues legend)
publisher:Encore Music (US label)
King of Spades Music
Lehsem II, LLC
MPCA King of Spades
Noma Music Inc.
Paul Rodriguez Music Ltd.
Unichappell Music, Inc.
Warner Chappell Music Ltd. (no slash; used 1988–1996)