Nutcracker: La Mère Gigogne et les polichinelles

~ Recording by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri Simonov

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.8Nutcracker: La Mère Gigogne et les polichinelles2:48Пётр Ильич ЧайковскийThe Nutcracker Suite / Swan Lake SuiteTchaikovsky; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri SimonovAlbum
Tring International PLC (not for release label use - for copyrights only)TRP006
1.8Nutcracker: La Mère Gigogne et les polichinelles2:48Пётр Ильич ЧайковскийThe Nutcracker Suite / Swan Lake SuiteTchaikovsky; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Yuri SimonovAlbum
The Royal Philharmonic Collection204406-201
1.8O quebra-nozes, suíte op. 71a: A mãe cegonha e os polichinelos2:48Пётр Ильич ЧайковскийColeção Folha de música clássica, volume 4: Piotr Il'yich TchaikovskyPiotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky; Royal Philharmonic OrchestraAlbum
  • BR2005-09-25
Folha de S. Paulo, Mediasat GroupISBN 85-7402-664-6
1.8El Cascanueces (Suite) - La madre de Gigone y los payasos2:48Пётр Ильич ЧайковскийGrandes Compositores de la Música Clásica: TchaikovskyPiotr Ilich Tchaikovsky; Royal Philharmonic OrchestraAlbum
7.8Nussknacker Suite: La mere Gigogne et les Polichinettes2:48Пётр Ильич ЧайковскийClassic for KidsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Documents (German, Membran Entertainment Group)232539


orchestra:Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (in 1993-10)
conductor:Yuri Simonov (Soviet and Russian conductor) (in 1993-10)
recorded at:Walthamstow Assembly Hall in London (Greater London), England, United Kingdom (in 1993-10)
recording of:Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II, Картина III, no. 12f. Дивертисмент (е) Мамаша Жигонь и паяцы (Mother Ginger and the Clowns) (in 1993-10)

Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II, Картина III, no. 12f. Дивертисмент (е) Мамаша Жигонь и паяцы (Mother Ginger and the Clowns)

composer:Пётр Ильич Чайковский (Russian romantic composer)
part of:Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II (The Nutcracker, op. 71: Act 2) (order: 8)