Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)

~ Recording by Robert Johnson

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1Preaching Blues2:53Robert JohnsonPreaching Blues / Love in VainRobert JohnsonSingle
Vocalion (US, active 1920s-1970s)04630
1.9Preaching Blues2:55Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)CL 1654
1.8Preachin' Blues2:53Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. IIRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)C 30034
1.9Preaching Blues2:55Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)WCK-1654
1.9Preaching Blues2:56Robert JohnsonDelta Blues, Volume OneRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Aldabra RecordsALB 1001 CD
1.8Preachin' Blues2:49Robert JohnsonDelta Blues, Volume TwoRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Aldabra RecordsALB 1002 CD
1.19Preaching Blues2:52Robert JohnsonThe Robert Johnson StoryRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Deja Vu (Italian jazz, blues, "the * collection", "the essential *" and "the * story" series of releases/sublabels)DVRECD 28
2.1Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • US1990-08-20
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)C2K 64916, CK 64916, CK 64917, CK 64918
2.1Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1990-11-21
CBS/Sony (imprint used in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia 1968–1991; also used in Spain until 1997)CSCS5320
2.1Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Complete Recordings (pink label CDs)Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)C2K 46222
2.1Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
CBS (CBS Records’ international imprint from 1962–1990; renamed since 1991 as Columbia)467246 2
2.1Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)C2K 46222
2.8Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)?:??Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)C3 46222
2.1Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)CK 46233, CK 46234
1.6Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonThe Legendary Blues SingerRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Charly RecordsCDCD 1049
1.9Preachin' Blues2:53Robert JohnsonRed Hot Blues (Made in France)Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Orbis (British subsidiary publishing house of De Agostini Group)BLU NC 006
1.9Preachin’ Blues2:53Robert JohnsonRed Hot Blues (Made in England)Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Orbis (British subsidiary publishing house of De Agostini Group)BLU NC 006
1.9Preachin’ Blues2:53Robert JohnsonThe Blues Collection: Robert Johnson, Red Hot BluesRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Orbis (British subsidiary publishing house of De Agostini Group)BLU GNC 006
1.11Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonThe Original Blues LegendRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Charly RecordsCDCD 2008
1.9Preaching Blues2:55Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • US1994-06-28
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)CK 52944
2.1Preachin’ Blues2:55Robert JohnsonThe Blues: A Collection of Classic Blues Singers, Volume 1Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
da music (imprint of Deutsche Austrophon GmbH)3704
1.1Preaching Blues2:53Robert JohnsonHard Times & Heartaches (introducing the Roots & Blues Collection)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)476683 2
1.9Preachin' Blues2:53Robert JohnsonThe Blues Collection 6: Red Hot BluesRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
De AgostiniBLUES N009
2.1Preaching Blues2:53Robert JohnsonThe Blues: San Antonio – Dallas 1936–1937Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Frémeaux & AssociésFA 251
2.1Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • XE1996-10-08
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment), Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)484414 2, COL 484414 2
2.11Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonBack to the BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Musketeer (UK compilations, part of Start Entertainment)MUCD9508
1.11Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonBlues, Blues, Blues: The Platinum CollectionVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Start Entertainments LimitedPC604
1.16Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert Johnson… I Went Down to the CrossroadsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Summit (UK re-issues)SUMCD 4194
1.6Preaching Blues2:58Robert JohnsonBlues Legends: The Classic Collection of Midnight Hours BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -1997
MasterTone Multimedia (company credits only; do NOT use as release label)0075
1.15Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:57Robert JohnsonCross Road BluesRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Penny (UK budget re-issue)PYCD 711
1.14Preaching Blues2:51Robert JohnsonThe Gold CollectionRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Retro, Proper DistributionR2CD 40-14
1.14Preaching Blues2:51Robert JohnsonThe Gold Collection: 40 Classic PerformancesRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
RetroR2CD 40-14
1.15Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe MastersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Eagle Records (division of Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd.)EAB CD 067
1.3Preachin' Blues2:51Robert JohnsonSlide Guitar: The Streamline SpecialVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • US1998-06-30
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX)65518
1.9Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • US1998-09-15
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)CK 65746
1.9Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues Singers (club edition)Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), BMG Direct (BMG’s direct marketing company/club editions), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)CK 65746, D126509
1.9Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)493006 2
1.9Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)CK 65746
1.15Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonThe Complete CollectionRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Prism Leisure (budget UK-based compilation label)PLATCD 278
2.1説教ブルーズ2:52Robert Johnsonコンプリート・レコーディングスRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • JP1999-02-20
SME Records (Japanese imprint - not equivalent to "Sony Music Entertainment")SRCS-9457, SRCS-9458
2.1Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)?:??Robert JohnsonCharly Blues Masterworks, Volume 13: Delta Blues LegendRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • US1999-07-01
Charly Records
1.13Preaching Blues?:??Robert JohnsonHellhound on My TrailRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB1999-10-25
Delta Music PLC (UK subsidary of Delta Music GmbH / Delta Music Holding AG)47 012
1.15Preaching Blues2:53Robert JohnsonGenius of the Blues: Complete Original TakesRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Definitive Records (jazz reissues)DRCD11142
2.1Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:55Robert JohnsonSteady Rollin' ManRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Recall 2cd (UK 2cd re-issue label, cat #s SMD CD ###)SMD CD 234
1.13Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Last of the Great Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
ABM (imprint? of Audio Book & Music Company Limited)ABMMCD 1047
1.15Preachin’ Blues (Up Jump the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonDevil on My TrailRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
2.10Preaching Blues2:56Robert JohnsonBlues Is BlackVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • -2001
1.12Preaching Blues2:54Robert JohnsonDown at the CrossroadsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Newsound 2000 (imprint of UK company New Sound 2000 Ltd.)nst137
1.15Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonMidnite Jazz & Blues: King of the Delta BluesRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
1.11Preaching Blues2:54Robert JohnsonThe Best of Robert JohnsonRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • -2001
Blues Forever (Italian blues reissue label)CD 68004
1.19Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:51Robert JohnsonContracted to the DevilRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2002-08-05
1.2Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Rough Guide to Delta Blues (first edition)Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
World Music NetworkRGNET1087CD
2.10Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:50Robert JohnsonThe Ultimate 8 Blues CollectionVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Planet Media8X 8804-1, 8X 8804-2, 8X 8804-7
3.2Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Rough Guides: American Roots BoxVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2003-08-26
World Music NetworkRGBOX3
1.2Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Old School BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2003-10-06
Metro Doubles (UK double-disc reissue/compilation imprint, METRDCD cat prefix)METRDCD524
2.12Preaching Blues2:56Robert JohnsonBlues Is BlackVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
1.15Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:56Robert JohnsonAn Introduction to Robert JohnsonRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2004-04-13
1.11Preaching Blues2:53Robert JohnsonHellhound on My TrailRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • -2004-06-01
Roots (Cat numbers RTS XXXXX)RTS 33054
1.19Preachin' Blues2:53Robert JohnsonInspiring EricRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2004-06-07
Smith & CoSCCD 1042
1.8Preachin’ Blues2:54Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. IIRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • US2004-08-10
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)CK 92579
1.15Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:50Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • IT2004-09-30
Universe ItalyUV 133/2
1.6Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonCentury of the BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
1.8Preachin' Blues2:54Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues Singers, Vol. IIRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)517457 2
3.6Preachin’ Blues2:53Robert JohnsonMe and the Devil: The Blues of Robert Johnson as Told by Peter Green Splinter Group (Limited Edition)Peter Green Splinter GroupAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2005-09-26
Recall 2cd (UK 2cd re-issue label, cat #s SMD CD ###)SBOX028
1.15Preaching Blues2:53Robert JohnsonBD Blues, Volume 5Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
NocturneBLUE185 - NT501
1.8Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:55Robert JohnsonThe High Price of SoulRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
PrimoPRMCD 6036
1.13Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Last of the Great Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Fabulous (sub-label of Acrobat Music, focuses on rare or unavailable original cast recordings, film soundtracks and showbiz-oriented artist re-issues)FABCD 102
1.7Preachin’ Blues?:??Robert JohnsonLegendary BluesRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
1.21Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:55Robert JohnsonRobert Johnson & The Last of the Mississippi Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Snapper MusicSBLUECD 503X
3.6Preachin’ Blues2:53Robert JohnsonComplete Blues: Me & The DevilPeter Green Splinter GroupAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2008-12-12
Snapper MusicSBLUECD501X
3.6Preachin’ Blues2:53Robert JohnsonMe and the DevilPeter Green Splinter GroupAlbum + Compilation
Complete BluesSBLUECD501X
1.20Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonThe Complete CollectionRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Not Now MusicNOT2CD270
2.1Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Aug 5, 2004 - Oct 1, 2008)88697 296752
1.15Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Roots of Jimi HendrixVarious ArtistsCompilation
Complete BluesSBLUECD059
2.21Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonEssential Delta BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Not Now MusicNOT2CD321
18.3Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:50Robert JohnsonABC of the BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • DE2010-09-24
Documents (German, Membran Entertainment Group)233168
1.10Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:52Robert JohnsonThe Rough Guide to Jazz and Blues Legends: Robert JohnsonRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2010-11-01
World Music NetworkRGNET1232CD
1.10Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:51Robert JohnsonThe Rough Guide to Jazz and Blues Legends: Robert JohnsonRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2010-11-01
World Music NetworkRGNET1232LP
1.15Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:55Robert JohnsonThe Centennial Collection (100th anniversary)Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • US2011-04-26
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)88697 85907 2
12.1Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:55Robert JohnsonThe Complete Original Masters: Centenial EditionRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • US2011-04-26
Columbia (Sony Music, worldwide except JP; formerly owned by CBS between 1938–1990 within US/CA/MX), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)88697 86066-1 BK1
8.9Preaching Blues2:54Robert JohnsonThe Perfect Blues CollectionVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • XE2011-06-21
Sony Music UK (~2002-2006)886978478320
3.1Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)?:??Robert JohnsonDefinitive Delta BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2012-09-28
Not Now MusicNOT3CD087
10.3Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)?:??Robert JohnsonBlues MastersVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
, EMI (EMI Records, since 1972)cd 1
2.21Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonEssential Delta BluesVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Not Now MusicNOT2CD321
2.23Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonThe Story of the Blues: 125 Blues ClassicsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Not Now MusicNOT5CD916
2.19Preachin’ Blues2:51Robert JohnsonThe Rough Guide to Blues Legends: Blind Lemon JeffersonBlind Lemon JeffersonAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2013-08-27
World Music NetworkRGNET1298CD
6.6Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)?:??Robert JohnsonGolden Blues BoxVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • XW2015-01-20
Music BrokersMBB7191
1.15Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:55Robert JohnsonThe Complete RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • XE2015-09-25
Soul Jam Records600864
2.1Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:55Robert JohnsonThe Centennial CollectionRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • US2017-04-22
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)88985374761
4.15Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonDelta Blues: Milestones of LegendsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Documents (German, Membran Entertainment Group)600378
1.15Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonCrossroad: The Legendary RecordingsRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
  • XW2021-07-30
RevOla Records
1.10Preaching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonBeg, Borrow or Steal (disc 2)Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
1.11Preaching Blues2:52Robert JohnsonCross Road BluesRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
1.15Preaching Blues2:53Robert JohnsonDeal With the Devil, Volume 1Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
1.15Preachin’ Blues2:50Robert JohnsonDown at the Crossroads – The Robert Johnson Connection (disc 2)Robert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
1.3Preching Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:53Robert JohnsonLegacy / Tower Present More Than the Music… The LegacyVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)JSK 7380
1.3Preachin' Blues2:50Robert JohnsonUncut, 2002.12: The Devil's Music: Keith Richards' Selection of Blues, Soul and R&B ClassicsVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
Uncut (magazine)UNCUT 2002 12
1.9Preachin’ Blues2:57Robert JohnsonKing of the Delta Blues SingersRobert JohnsonAlbum + Compilation
2.11Preachin' Blues2:54Robert JohnsonThe Greatest In Country Blues, Vol. 1Various ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • US1999-09-14
1201 music70022
1.200Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)2:54Robert JohnsonBlues Story: 200 Original TracksVarious ArtistsAlbum + Compilation
  • GB2013-03-13
Otey Records


recording engineer:Vincent Liebler
executive producer:Art Satherly
producer:Don Law
guitar:Robert Johnson (1930s blues legend) (on 1936-11-27)
vocals:Robert Johnson (1930s blues legend) (on 1936-11-27)
phonographic copyright (℗) by:Soul Jam Records (in 2015)
recorded at:Gunter Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, United States (on 1936-11-27)
recording of:Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil) (on 1936-11-27)

Preachin’ Blues (Up Jumped the Devil)

lyricist and composer:Robert Johnson (1930s blues legend)
publisher:EMI Music (do not use as release label! this is a music publisher)
Horoscope Music
Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd. (UK)
is the basis for:Preachin' the Blues