Extract of Interview With R. B. Nicol

~ Recording by Robert B. Nicol

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.1Extract of Interview With R. B. Nicol5:02Robert B. NicolMasters of Piobaireachd, Volume One (This release split track 2 of the 11 track version into two tracks.)Robert U. Brown & Robert B. NicolAlbum + Compilation
GreentraxCDTRAX 153
1.1Extract of Interview With R. B. Nicol5:02Robert B. NicolMasters of Piobaireachd, Volume OneRobert U. Brown & Robert B. NicolAlbum + Compilation
GreentraxCDTRAX 153