Cult of Personality

~ Recording by Living Colour

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1Cult of Personality5:36Living ColourLive From CBGB'sLiving ColourAlbum + Live
  • US2004-10-19
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)EK 92867
1.1Cult of Personality - Live5:36Living ColourLive from CBGB’sLiving ColourAlbum + Live
  • GB2005-01-10
Epic (US label founded by CBS in 1953, now owned by Sony), Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment)


recorded at:CBGB in New York, New York, United States (on 1989-12-19)
recording of:Cult of Personality (on 1989-12-19: live)

Cult of Personality

writer:Will Calhoun
Corey Glover
Vernon Reid (English-born US guitarist and songwriter)
Muzz Skillings