Coventry Carol

~ Recording by Guildford Cathedral Choir

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.18Coventry Carol2:22Guildford Cathedral ChoirThe Christmas Carols AlbumGuildford Cathedral ChoirAlbum
Crimson Productions (UK budget reissue label; imprint of Crimson Productions Ltd.)CRIMCD01
1.16Coventry Carol2:22Guildford Cathedral ChoirFestive FavouritesGuildford Cathedral ChoirAlbum
Crimson Productions (UK budget reissue label; imprint of Crimson Productions Ltd.)CRIMCD54


recording of:Coventry Carol (Martin Shaw arrangement)

Coventry Carol (Martin Shaw arrangement)

lyricist and composer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)
arranger:Martin Shaw (British composer)
arrangement of:Coventry Carol