Crowfoot in Concert

~ Video by Crowfoot

Appears on releases

No releases found which feature this recording.


recorded in:Atlanta, Georgia, United States (on 2011-11-12)
stream for free: [info]
recording of:The Two Sisters (aka The Wind and the Rain / The Bows of London / Cruel Sister) (live)
John Barleycorn (Crowfoot arrangement) (on 2011-11-12: live)
The Three Ravens (Child 26, Roud 5) (on 2011-11-12: live)

John Barleycorn (Crowfoot arrangement)

lyricist and composer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)
arranger:Crowfoot (Canadian Folk band)
arrangement of:John Barleycorn (traditional, unknown/unspecified arrangement)

The Three Ravens (Child 26, Roud 5)

lyricist and composer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)
later versions:Twa Corbiez (Omnia version)
is the basis for:Jamethon's Sons

The Two Sisters (aka The Wind and the Rain / The Bows of London / Cruel Sister)

lyricist and composer:[traditional] (special purpose artist)
later versions:Percy's Song
Wind and Rain
arrangements:I'll Show You Wonders (Oysterband arrangement)