Deux mélodies hébraïques: I. Kaddish

~ Recording by Johan Farjot, Antoine Pierlot

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.2Deux mélodies hébraïques: I. Kaddish5:18Maurice RavelUne prièreKarine Deshayes, Pierre Génisson, Deborah Nemtanu, Sarah Nemtanu, Ensemble Contraste, Johan Farjot, Antoine Pierlot, Arnaud ThoretteAlbum
  • XW2022-06-10
Alpha (French classical)ALPHA 763


producer:Aline Blondiau (engineer / producer)
cello:Antoine Pierlot (in 2020-11)
piano:Johan Farjot (pianist and conductor) (in 2020-11)
recorded at:Le Bal Blomet in Paris, Île-de-France, France (in 2020-11)
recording of:Deux mélodies hébraïques: No. 1. Kaddisch (catch-all arrangement for cello and piano) (in 2020-11)

Deux mélodies hébraïques: No. 1. Kaddisch (catch-all arrangement for cello and piano)

composer:Maurice Ravel (classical composer)
arrangement of:Deux mélodies hébraïques: No. 1. Kaddisch (for voice and piano)