Streets of Philadelphia (live, 1997-01-27: Kokusai Forum Hall, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan)

~ Recording by Bruce Springsteen

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.9Streets of Philadelphia?:??Bruce SpringsteenThe Ghost of Tom Joad Solo Acoustic Tour: Straight TimeBruce SpringsteenAlbum + Live
Amsterdam (Japanese bootleg label active from 1996-1998)AMS 724


vocals:Bruce Springsteen (on 1997-01-27)
recorded at:1997-01-27: Kokusai Forum Hall, Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan (1997-01-27)
recorded at:東京国際フォーラム (complex; use ONLY if no more specific venue info is available!) in Marunouchi, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan (on 1997-01-27)
recording of:Streets of Philadelphia (on 1997-01-27: live)

Streets of Philadelphia

publisher:Bruce Springsteen
lyricist and composer:Bruce Springsteen (in 1993-08)
publisher:Zomba Music Publishing Ltd.
later translated versions:Els carrers de Filadèlfia
I dene Schtrasse da
later versions:Les Rues de Philadelphie