The Nutcracker Ballet, op. 71: Act II. The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe / The Buffoons

~ Recording by The Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.9Nutcracker: The Old Woman Who Lives in a Shoe / The Buffoons2:46Пётр Ильич ЧайковскийThe Nutcracker: Ballet Suite (The older 13 track version, not the newer 2003 17 track one.)Tchaikovsky; The Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene OrmandyAlbum
  • US1990-10-25
CBS Records MasterworksMK 6621
1.9The Nutcracker Ballet, op. 71: Act II. The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe / The Buffoons2:47Peter TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker: Ballet SuiteTchaikovsky; The Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene OrmandyAlbum
Legacy (reissue division of Sony Music Entertainment), Sony ClassicalSK 93014


recorded in:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (on 1963-12-16)
producer:Thomas Frost (classical music producer)
orchestra:The Philadelphia Orchestra (on 1963-12-16)
conductor:Eugene Ormandy (conductor) (on 1963-12-16)
recording of:Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II, Картина III, no. 12f. Дивертисмент (е) Мамаша Жигонь и паяцы (Mother Ginger and the Clowns) (on 1963-12-16)

Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II, Картина III, no. 12f. Дивертисмент (е) Мамаша Жигонь и паяцы (Mother Ginger and the Clowns)

composer:Пётр Ильич Чайковский (Russian romantic composer)
part of:Щелкунчик, op. 71: Действие II (The Nutcracker, op. 71: Act 2) (order: 8)