This Can't Be Love

~ Recording by Erroll Garner

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.26This Can't Be Love2:18Erroll GarnerThe Complete Savoy & Dial Master TakesErroll GarnerAlbum + Compilation
Definitive Records (jazz reissues)DRCD11154
1.26This Can't Be Love2:18Erroll GarnerThe Complete Savoy & Dial Master Takes, Volume 1Erroll GarnerAlbum + Compilation
Definitive Records (jazz reissues)
2.2This Can't Be Love2:18Erroll GarnerThe King of Piano Jazz - 32 StandardsErroll GarnerAlbum + CompilationDisques FestivalALBUM 166


double bass:John Simmons (bassist) (in 1949)
drums (drum set):Alvin Stoller (in 1949)
piano:Erroll Garner (in 1949)
recording of:This Can’t Be Love (in 1949: instrumental)

This Can’t Be Love

lyricist:Lorenz Hart (in 1938)
composer:Richard Rodgers (composer) (in 1938)