Crying at the Discoteque

~ Recording by Sagi-Rei

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.5Crying at the Discoteque3:11Sagi-ReiEmotional Songs, Part 2Sagi-ReiAlbum
Do It Yourself Music GroupDSM 705
1.5Crying at the Discoteque3:11Sagi-ReiEmotional Songs, Part 2Sagi-ReiAlbum
  • -2007-03
Do It Yourself Music Group


recording of:Crying at the Discoteque (cover)

Crying at the Discoteque

writer:Alexander Bard
Bernard Edwards
Michael Goulos
Anders Hansson (producer / writer / performer)
Nile Rodgers
Anders Wollbeck
later parody versions:Crying at the Discothek
Crying at the Discothek