Blues in Thirds

~ Recording by Sidney Bechet and His New Orleans Feetwarmers

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
1.1Blues in Thirds2:58Sidney Bechet and His New Orleans FeetwarmersThe Chronological Classics: Sidney Bechet 1940-1941Sidney BechetAlbum + Compilation
Classics Records (compilations of the Chronological Series)638
5.10Blues in Thirds2:59Sidney Bechet and His TrioThe Complete American Masters 1931-1953Sidney BechetAlbum + Compilation
  • FR2011-11-21
Universal Music Classics & Jazz France533 616-7


recording of:Blues in Thirds (on 1940-09-06)

Blues in Thirds

composer:Earl Hines (jazz pianist and bandleader)