Leon's Voight Kampff Test (alternate version)

~ Recording by Vangelis

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
4.3Leon's Voight Kampff Test (alternate version)1:07VangelisBlade Runner: MR3 EditionVangelisAlbum + Soundtrack
Esper Productions
4.3Leon’s Voight Kampff Test (alternative version)1:08VangelisBlade Runner: Esper Edition (The Definitive Collector’s Edition)VangelisAlbum + Soundtrack
Pendor, Esper ProductionsP-110|V


recording of:Leon's Voight Kampff Test

Leon's Voight Kampff Test

composer:Vangelis (Greek composer of electronic, new age and classical)