Lieder aus „Des Knaben Wunderhorn“: Trost im Unglück

~ Recording by Jessye Norman, John Shirley‐Quirk, Concertgebouworkest, Bernard Haitink

Appears on releases

#TitleLengthTrack ArtistRelease TitleRelease ArtistRelease Group TypeCountry/DateLabelCatalog#
2.9Lieder aus „Des Knaben Wunderhorn“: Trost im Unglück2:24Gustav MahlerOrchestral SongsMahler; Jessye Norman, Janet Baker, James King, Hermann Prey, John Shirley‐Quirk, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Bernard HaitinkAlbum
  • US1996-02-12
Philips454 014-2
1.3Songs From “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”: Trost im Unglück2:24Gustav MahlerSymphony no. 2 / Wunderhorn-LiederMahler; Elly Ameling, Aafje Heynis, Jessye Norman, John Shirley‐Quirk, Concertgebouw Orchetra, Amsterdam, Bernard HaitinkAlbumPhilips Classics (See annotation to check it's really this label.)420 234-2


bass-baritone vocals:John Shirley‐Quirk (operatic bass / baritone) (in 1976-04)
soprano vocals:Jessye Norman (soprano) (in 1976-04)
orchestra:Concertgebouworkest (in 1976-04)
conductor:Bernard Haitink (conductor) (in 1976-04)
recorded at:Concertgebouw (Amsterdam) in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands (in 1976-04)
recording of:Des Knaben Wunderhorn: Trost im Unglück (in 1976-04)

Des Knaben Wunderhorn: Trost im Unglück

composer:Gustav Mahler (composer)
part of:Lieder aus “Des Knaben Wunderhorn” (part of collection) (order: 3)