Relationship Types / Label-Release / Published


This indicates the organization which releases a release. This is not the same concept as the record label.

ID: 362
Cardinality of {entity0}: Many relationships (1)
Cardinality of {entity1}: Few relationships (0)
Orderable direction: None (0)
UUID: 25858332-bf31-4ad6-85b6-6a3bccebf02e

Link phrases


The following attributes can be used with this relationship type:


This indicates the publisher subcontracted to publish a release or work in a specific territory. Use this only when you have a specific sub-publisher credit, do not guess.

start date

end date


エイベックス・マーケティング株式会社 (do NOT use this as a release imprint) published 明日への光 by 樋井明日香